India Innovation Index
The India Innovation Index, first published by NITI Aayog in 2019, provides a comprehensive snapshot of the innovation ecosystem of all states in India. It highlights the obstacles that deter governments and businesses from fully capturing the benefits of innovation. The Index aims to support 3 objectives:
- Rank all states and union territories based on their index score
- Identify opportunities and challenges
- Assist in modifying governmental policies to foster innovation
The India Innovation Index measures innovation inputs through 'Enablers' and innovation output as 'Performance.'
The India Innovation Index, first published by NITI Aayog in 2019, provides a comprehensive snapshot of the innovation ecosystem of all states in India. It highlights the obstacles that deter governments and businesses from fully capturing the benefits of innovation. The Index aims to support 3 objectives:
- Rank all states and union territories based on their index score
- Identify opportunities and challenges
- Assist in modifying governmental policies to foster innovation
The India Innovation Index measures innovation inputs through 'Enablers' and innovation output as 'Performance.'
SUBJECT Variables
- The all-India average score for innovation on the India Innovation Index (III) in 2020 was 23.4 - equating to a 23% achievement on the index. The all-India average score in 2020 has improved by 7.8% over 2019.
- Delhi secured the top slot on the III 2020 with a score of 46.6 - equating to a 47% achievement on the index.
- 6 states (Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar, Lakshadweep, Meghalaya, Nagaland and Tripura) had a performance level of below 15% on the India Innovation Index in 2020.
The Index measures innovation inputs through 'enablers' and innovation output as 'performance'. The enabler pillars capture elements of the economy that act as inputs to innovation environment - Human Capital, Investment, Knowledge Employment, Business Environment, and Safety & Legal Environment. The performance pillars - Knowledge Output and Knowledge Diffusion - capture its performance.
- The all-India average score for innovation enablers in 2020 was 29 - equating to a 29% achievement. The all-India average Enablers score in 2020 has improved by 10.7% over 2019.
- Chandigarh secured the top slot for innovation enablers in 2020 with a score of 41.5 (41.5% achievement), followed by Delhi at 40.1 (40.1% achievement)
- 6 states (Assam, Bihar, Meghalaya, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal) had a performance level of below 20% for innovation enablers.
Human Capital, Investment, Knowledge Employment, Business Environment, and Safety & Legal Environment are the 5 performance pillars that capture elements of the economy that act as inputs to innovation environment.
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