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Unemployment rate rises marginally to 7.8% in April
UnemploymentUrban unemployment has shown the biggest rise at 9.2% compared to 7.2% in rural India
Gross domestic product (GDP) is the monetary or market value of all the final goods and services produced within a country in a specific time period.
Karnataka Budget
Karnataka's Budget - current and historical values on budget and actuals for revenue and expenditure, variances, comparisons, deficits, in addition to statistics and expert analysis.
Jammu & Kashmir Budget
Jammu and Kashmir's Budget - current and historical values on budget and actuals for revenue and expenditure, variances, comparisons, deficits, in addition to statistics and expert analysis.
Jharkhand Budget
Jharkhand's Budget - current and historical values on budget and actuals for revenue and expenditure, variances, comparisons, deficits, in addition to statistics and expert analysis.
Himachal Pradesh Budget
Himachal Pradesh's Budget - current and historical values on budget and actuals for revenue and expenditure, variances, comparisons, deficits, in addition to statistics and expert analysis.
Haryana Budget
Haryana's Budget - current and historical values on budget and actuals for revenue and expenditure, variances, comparisons, deficits, in addition to statistics and expert analysis.
Gujarat Budget
Gujarat's Budget - current and historical values on budget and actuals for revenue and expenditure, variances, comparisons, deficits, in addition to statistics and expert analysis.
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