Privacy Policy

Last Updated: Jan 1, 2022


Tigerback Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (referred to as “Company”, “The Mirrority”, “We”, “Our”, “Us”) owns and maintains the services offered on (“The Mirrority Website”) and any associated applications (“The Mirrority Apps”) or products and services that the Company may provide now or in the future (collectively, the “Service”). The Service may include advertisements targeted to the content or information stored on the Service, queries made through the Service, or other information. "Content" means all material, data, articles, information and products on the Service or provided as part of the Service.

This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) explains Our policy regarding the collection, use, disclosure and transfer of the end user’s (referred to as “You”, “Your”, “User”) Personal Information as a result of Your access to and use of the Service. This Privacy Policy forms an integral part and parcel of and shall be read in conjunction with the Terms of Service.

Personal Information (“Information”) is any information You provide to Us that personally identifies You, like Your name or email address, or other information which could be reasonably linked to such identifying information by Us. We will only collect, use, and share Your Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. In addition, this Privacy Policy also covers The Mirrority's treatment of any Information about Our User that Our partners or other services might share with Us.

This policy does not apply to websites or services or practices of companies that The Mirrority doesn’t own or control, such as third-party services You might access through links or other features on the Service. These other services have their own privacy policies, and We encourage You to review them before providing them with personal Information.

By accessing Our Service, You agree that any Information that We collect from or about You through Our Service will be handled as described in this Privacy Policy. Your use of Our Service, and any dispute over privacy, is subject to this Privacy Policy and Our Terms of Service, including its applicable limitations on damages and the resolution of disputes.


We may collect Information about You directly from You, from third parties, and automatically through Your use of Our Service. We may combine Information collected from or about You from these various sources.

(A) Information We Collect Directly from You

We collect Information directly from You in several places on Our Service, as set forth generally below:

Account Sign-up and Profile Information

To create an account on The Mirrority, You may be asked to provide some basic information such as Your first and last name, and email address. When You register using Your accounts on third party platforms like Google, Facebook (as facilitated by the Company from time to time), We shall retrieve Information from such account(s) to continue to interact with You and to continue providing the Service seamlessly.

Payment Details

All credit/debit cards’ details and personally identifiable information will NOT be stored, sold, shared, rented or leased to any third parties. We will not pass any debit/credit card details to third parties. We take appropriate steps to ensure data privacy and security including through various hardware and software methodologies. However, The Mirrority cannot guarantee the security of any information that is disclosed online. Confirmation for all payments received will be instantly communicated via email on the email address provided on the Donation page.


At certain times, You may be asked to participate in surveys, which are generally aimed at obtaining general information, such as Your reactions to an article or feature set on Our site. Because Information obtained in these surveys relates to individual subscribers and is used internally to improve Our products or better market Our services, participation is voluntary.

Other Information You Provide Through Our Service

We may collect additional information at other times, including but not limited to, when You provide feedback, change Your content or email preferences.

(B) Information We Collect Automatically

Like most web-based services, We (or Our Service providers) may automatically receive and log information on Our server logs from Your browser or Your device when You use the Service. The information We automatically collect include:

Cookies and other similar technologies

We (or Our Service providers) may use various technologies to collect and store information when You visit Our Service including “tags”, “scripts”, “cookies” and clear GIFs (also known as “web beacons”). We also make use of persistent secure cookies: persistent cookie remains after You close Your browser (although it can be removed) and may be used by Your browser to identify You on subsequent visits to the Service. We may also use, collect and store information locally on Your device using mechanisms such as browser web storage (including HTML 5). Like many services, We use these technologies to tailor the Service for You, and to help the Service work better for You - for example, by remembering Your language preferences. In all cases, Our cookies are encoded and contain a unique digital signature to prevent tampering. They do not contain User passwords.

Device information

We collect device-specific information such as Your Device UID (device identifiers). This helps Us measure how the Service is performing, improve the Service for You on Your device, and send You push notifications if You’ve opted in to receive them.

Log information

Like most online services, when You use Our Service, We automatically collect and store certain information in Our server logs. Examples include things like - Details of how You used Our service, such as Your activity on the Service, and the frequency and duration of Your visits through specific User device types.

IP Address

Device event information such as crashes, system activity, hardware settings, browser type, browser language, the date and time of Your request and referral URL. This information helps us make decisions about what We should work on next - for example, by showing which features are most (or least!) popular.


We do not sell or rent any of Your Information to any third party for any purpose - including for advertising or marketing purposes. We use the Information We collect from You to provide You with the best user experience. In addition, any credit/debit cards’ details and personally identifiable information will NOT be stored, sold, shared, rented or leased to any third parties. More specifically, the Information collected is used to:

  • Provide and improve the Service
  • Respond to Your requests for information or customer support
  • Most crucially, to protect Our community by making sure the Service remains safe and secure

We use automatically collected Information (described in the "Information We collect automatically" section above) to provide and support Our Service, and for the additional uses described in this section of Our Privacy Policy.

Any personally identifiable Information provided by You will not be considered as sensitive if it is freely available and/ or accessible in the public domain like any comments, messages, blogs, scribbles available on social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Any content posted/uploaded/conveyed/communicated by You on the public sections of the Service becomes published content and is not considered personally identifiable Information subject to this Privacy Policy.


We do not disclose Your personal Information to third parties for those third parties’ own marketing purposes. We do not sell or disclose the personal Information about You described above to nonaffiliated parties (including but not limited to companies, authorities, institutions, or individuals) except to provide You with products or services, when We have Your permission, or under the circumstances listed below upon first ensuring that the data privacy policies of such parties are consistent to ours:

  • To nonaffiliated companies that We engage as contractors or agents to perform services for Us, such as administering Our Website, systems, and software; sending direct mail communications. We will disclose the relevant information with such contractors in consistence with this Privacy Policy only to the extent reasonably necessary for them to perform services on Our behalf;
  • In response to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process, from law enforcement agencies or state and federal regulators, or as otherwise required by law;
  • To assert or defend Our legal rights, including fraud prevention and enforcing this Privacy Policy and Our Terms of Service;
  • Testimonials on Our Service which may contain personal Information such as the name, photo and/or a video of the individual in the testimonial. We obtain the individual’s consent in advance to ensure We have permission to post this content publicly.
  • To protect the rights, property, or safety of Us or other persons, including to detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security, or technical issues, or anything else that We may consider to be, or pose a risk of being, an illegal, unethical, or legally actionable activity;
  • As We deem appropriate to attempt to prevent physical or emotional harm to other persons and/or to their property based on overt or implied threat;
  • In the event of a merger, sale, acquisition to companies or allow User a choice to send information to the future entity

We may also disclose aggregate, anonymous, or de-identified information about users for marketing, advertising, research, compliance, or other purposes.


In general, We will retain Your personal Information for the length of time reasonably needed to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy (including for as long as need to provide You with products and services), unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law. We will also retain and use Your Information for as long as necessary to resolve disputes and/or enforce Our rights and agreements. Non-personally identifiable and aggregated information may be stored indefinitely.


We have implemented various technical safeguards to protect the information We collect. Please be aware that despite Our efforts, no data security measures can guarantee 100% security. Outages, attacks, human error, system failure, unauthorized use or other factors may compromise the security of User Information at any time.

  • Initial Notice: Upon the discovery of a breach of security that results in the unauthorized release, disclosure or acquisition of personal Information, We will notify electronically, not later than 48 hours or 1 business day, such discovery to all affected User so that You can take appropriate protective steps. This initial notice will include, to the extent known at the time of the notification, the date and time of the breach, its nature and extent, and Our plan to investigate and remediate the breach.
  • Detailed Notification: Upon discovery of a breach, We will conduct a deep investigation to electronically provide, not later than 5 days, all affected User with a more detailed notice of the breach, including but not limited to the date and time of the breach; nature and extent of the breach; and measures taken to ensure that such breach does not occur in the future. We may also post a notice on Our homepage (

Steps You can take to protect Your Information

You should take steps to protect against unauthorized access to Your password, phone, and computer by, among other things, signing off after using a shared computer, choosing a robust password that nobody else knows or can easily guess, and keeping Your log-in and password private. We are not responsible for any lost, stolen, or compromised passwords or for any activity on Your account via unauthorized password activity.

If You are a parent, We encourage You to talk to Your children about online safety and how they can protect themselves online.


User may opt out of receiving updates, notifications, and/or newsletters. Newsletters will also include instructions for opting out of those communications.

You may access, modify, or delete the personal Information that You have provided to Us through Your Account page. If You request restrictions on Our uses or disclosures of Your personal Information, We may comply with Your request by terminating Your subscription and deleting Your account information. Please note that We can only honor requests to out opt of disclosures on a going forward basis and opt-out requests do not affect information that We have previously disclosed. We may also retain certain information about You as required by law or as permitted by law for legitimate business purposes. For example, if You request that We delete Your Information but We believe that You have violated Our Terms of Service, We may retain Information about You to attempt to resolve the issue before deleting it. Because of the way We maintain certain services, after You delete Your Information, residual copies may take a period of time before they are deleted from Our active servers and may remain in Our backup systems.


We may occasionally update this Privacy Policy - You can see when the last update was by looking at the “Last Updated” date at the top of this page. We won’t reduce Your rights under this Privacy Policy without Your explicit consent.

We encourage You to review this Privacy Policy from time to time, to stay informed about Our collection, use, and disclosure of personal Information through the Service. If You don’t agree with any changes to the Privacy Policy, You may terminate Your account (and We wish this doesn’t ever happen!). By continuing to use the Service after the revised Privacy Policy has become effective, You acknowledge that You accept and agree to the current version of the Privacy Policy.


Our Services may contain links to third-party websites and applications. Please note that this Privacy Policy will not apply to Your independent relationships with other companies that from time to time may offer You products and services, or are otherwise linked from Our Services. Those companies’ privacy policies will govern how they collect, use and disclose personal Information that You provide to them.


If You have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or how We protect Our community, please contact Us at - We'd love to help.

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