In episode 20 of India this week, we talk about developments in the world of politics, society, business, and economy between April 24 - 30, 2022:
- Power cuts and blackouts due to coal shortage
- Relief for medical students who returned from China and Ukraine
- Suggestion for the usage of local languages in courts
- USCIRF report recommendation for designated countries
- Inauguration of cancer hospitals in Assam
- Switching of 21 NPF MLAs to NDPP in Nagaland
- Suggestion for renaming 40 villages in Delhi
- Row between centre-states on lowering of fuel taxes
- Spike in prices of palm oil and jeera, and much more ...
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Episode Notes
In episode 20 of India this week, we talk about developments in the world of politics, society, business, and economy between April 24 - 30, 2022:
- Power cuts and blackouts due to coal shortage
- Relief for medical students who returned from China and Ukraine
- Suggestion for the usage of local languages in courts
- USCIRF report recommendation for designated countries
- Inauguration of cancer hospitals in Assam
- Switching of 21 NPF MLAs to NDPP in Nagaland
- Suggestion for renaming 40 villages in Delhi
- Row between centre-states on lowering of fuel taxes
- Spike in prices of palm oil and jeera, and much more ...
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