Expenditure on Health
Health expenditure consists of all expenditures or outlays for medical care, prevention, promotion, rehabilitation, community health activities, health administration and regulation and capital formation with the predominant objective of improving health. Public expenditure on health refers to expenditure on health care incurred by state, regional and local Government bodies and social security schemes.
Health expenditure consists of all expenditures or outlays for medical care, prevention, promotion, rehabilitation, community health activities, health administration and regulation and capital formation with the predominant objective of improving health. Public expenditure on health refers to expenditure on health care incurred by state, regional and local Government bodies and social security schemes.
SUBJECT Variables
Per capita means the average per person and is often used in place of "per person" in statistical observances.
- India spent USD 63.7 (approx ₹4,700) per person on health, family welfare and healthcare in 2019, up from USD 60.3 a year ago.
- The total expenditure on health has increased by only USD 18.6 since 2010, averaging USD 2 per year over the last 9 years.
- The private sector contributed 67% of the total per capita spend on health in 2019 while the public (govt) sector contributed 33%.
- In comparison to its benchmarked G20 peers, India's total per capita expenditure on health in 2019 was the lowest - 0.6% that of USA, 7.6% that of Brazil, and 12% that of China.
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