Inclusive Internet Index

Internet Users
Network Coverage
Trust in Online Privacy

The Inclusive Internet Index, produced annually since 2017 by The Economist Intelligence Unit and commissioned by Facebook, benchmarks countries on the Internet’s availability, affordability, relevance and the readiness of people to use it. In so doing, the index identifies gaps between different population groups and reveals actionable insights into the state of Internet inclusivity for policymakers and other stakeholders. The index covers 100 countries, representing 91% of the world’s population and 96% of global GDP.

The Inclusive Internet Index, produced annually since 2017 by The Economist Intelligence Unit and commissioned by Facebook, benchmarks countries on the Internet’s availability, affordability, relevance and the readiness of people to use it. In so doing, the index identifies gaps between different population groups and reveals actionable insights into the state of Internet inclusivity for policymakers and other stakeholders. The index covers 100 countries, representing 91% of the world’s population and 96% of global GDP.

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SUBJECT Variables
An index produced by The Economist Intelligence Unit and commissioned by Facebook, benchmarks countries on the Internet’s availability, affordability, relevance and the readiness of people to use it.
Inclusive Internet Index | India | 2020 - 2021 | Data, Charts and Analysis
Inclusive Internet Index for India - overall score, ranking and values for performance indicators such as availability, affordability, relevance, and readiness.
2020,2021,actual,affordability,amount,amounts,analysis,annual,availability,chart,charts,compared,current,data,figure,figures,global comparison,graph,graphs,historical,inclusion,inclusive,index,india,indian,indicator,indicators,info,information,internet,level,levels,statistics,stats,value,values,what,world comparison,year,yearly
01/01/2020 To 31/12/2021
Internet Users
Network Coverage
Trust in Online Privacy
Characters : 201/225
Characters : 74/120
Characters : 160/160
Characters : 329/3500
Internet Users
Network Coverage
Trust in Online Privacy
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The overall performance score is the weighted average of the scores of 4 indicators - Availability, Affordability, Relevance and Readiness.

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World Ranking
2020 (100 countries) | 2021 (120 countries)
  • India's internet inclusivity level in the 2021 Index is at 73%, a 1.7% rise over its performance level in 2020
  • India is placed at the 49th position amongst 120 countries on the index in 2021
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Global Comparison
0 (least inclusive) ----------> 100 (most inclusive)
  • In comparison to its benchmarked G20 peers, India's overall performance score on the Index in 2021 is amongst the lowest with only Turkey and Indonesia below it.
  • India's overall performance level on the index has improved by 18%, the highest amongst the 11 benchmarked countries.
  • India's performance level of 73.4% on the overall Index in 2021 is higher than the asian average as well as the world average of 70.4% and 66.6% respectively.
  • Sweden takes the top spot on the Index in 2021 with a performance level of 87.4%, followed by USA with a performance level of 86.8%.
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This indicator measures the quality and breadth of the available infrastructure required for the access and the levels of internet usage.

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