CO2 Emissions
Carbon emission is the release of carbon into the atmosphere. It includes carbon dioxide produced during consumption of solid, liquid, and gas fuels and gas flaring. Carbon emissions contribute to climate change, which can have serious consequences for humans and their environment. Carbon emissions, in the form of carbon dioxide, make up approx 80 percent of the greenhouse gases emitted. The burning of fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. These carbon emissions raise global temperatures by trapping solar energy in the atmosphere. This alters water supplies and weather patterns, changes the growing season for food crops and threatens coastal communities with increasing sea levels.
India has ratified the Paris Convention and pledged a 33-35% reduction in the “emissions intensity” of its economy by 2030, compared to 2005 levels.
Carbon emission is the release of carbon into the atmosphere. It includes carbon dioxide produced during consumption of solid, liquid, and gas fuels and gas flaring. Carbon emissions contribute to climate change, which can have serious consequences for humans and their environment. Carbon emissions, in the form of carbon dioxide, make up approx 80 percent of the greenhouse gases emitted. The burning of fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. These carbon emissions raise global temperatures by trapping solar energy in the atmosphere. This alters water supplies and weather patterns, changes the growing season for food crops and threatens coastal communities with increasing sea levels.
India has ratified the Paris Convention and pledged a 33-35% reduction in the “emissions intensity” of its economy by 2030, compared to 2005 levels.

SUBJECT Variables
- After steadily rising for the last few years, India's carbon emission levels dropped in 2020 to 2,412 metric tonnes
- India's share of global CO2 emission in 2020 was 6.7% compared to 3.8% at the start of the century

- After rising for 4 consecutive years, India's share of CO2 emission per capita (i.e. emission per individual) dropped to 1.74 metric tonne.

- CO2 emission due to usage of combustion fuels by power industry contributed 46% of the overall emission levels in 2020. India has been unable to shed its huge dependence on combustion fuels and make the tectonic shift to renewable energy.
- Emission by transport sector has been steadily increasing over the last 2 decades and now contributes close to 11.5% of overall CO2 emissions in India. The switch to more environment friendly engines and electric vehicles will need to be expedited by the government.


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