State Energy & Climate Index
The State Energy and Climate Index (SECI) is the first index that aims to track the efforts made by states and UTs in the climate and energy sector. The index is developed by Niti Aayog and hopes “initiate dialogue” and “address policy gaps” that are preventing the sector from achieving its goals.
The index consists of 6 parameters namely, DISCOM’s Performance; Access, Affordability and Reliability; Clean Energy Initiatives; Energy Efficiency; Environmental Sustainability; and New Initiatives. The parameters are further divided into 27 indicators. Based on the composite SECI score, the states and UTs are categorized into three groups: Front Runners, Achievers, and Aspirants.
The State Energy and Climate Index (SECI) is the first index that aims to track the efforts made by states and UTs in the climate and energy sector. The index is developed by Niti Aayog and hopes “initiate dialogue” and “address policy gaps” that are preventing the sector from achieving its goals.
The index consists of 6 parameters namely, DISCOM’s Performance; Access, Affordability and Reliability; Clean Energy Initiatives; Energy Efficiency; Environmental Sustainability; and New Initiatives. The parameters are further divided into 27 indicators. Based on the composite SECI score, the states and UTs are categorized into three groups: Front Runners, Achievers, and Aspirants.
SUBJECT Variables
(The SECI 2022 is based on data obtained for 2019-20).
- Chandigarh occupied the top spot on SECI 2022 with a score of 55.7 closely followed by Delhi at 55.6.
- Lakshadweep, Jammu & Kashmir (incl Ladakh), and Arunachal Pradesh occupied the bottom 3 positions on SECI 2022.
The State Energy & Climate Index (SECI) consists of 6 Parameters and 27 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
DISCOM’s Performance
The DISCOM’s Performance parameter consists of 9 indicators - Debt-equity ratio, AT&C losses, ACS-ARR gap, T&D losses, ToD/ToU tariffs for consumers, DBT Transfer, Open access surcharge, Regulatory Assets, and Complexity of Tariffs. It has a 40% weightage in the overall Index.
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