Forest Cover
Forest cover in general refers to the land area that is covered by forests or the forest canopy or open woodland. Global forest cover, however crucial for soil health, the water cycle, climate and air quality it is, is severely threatened by deforestation everywhere, as a direct consequence of agriculture, logging, and mining. Forest cover can be increased by reforestation and afforestation efforts, but loss of old-growth forests is irreversible in terms of its ecological services.
Forest cover in general refers to the land area that is covered by forests or the forest canopy or open woodland. Global forest cover, however crucial for soil health, the water cycle, climate and air quality it is, is severely threatened by deforestation everywhere, as a direct consequence of agriculture, logging, and mining. Forest cover can be increased by reforestation and afforestation efforts, but loss of old-growth forests is irreversible in terms of its ecological services.
SUBJECT Variables
- India's forest cover between 2015 and 2021 has remained largely unchanged keeping within a range of 21.34% to 21.71% of the total land area
- India's forest cover of 21.71% in 2021 is much lesser than the average forest cover of 27.14% within East Asian and Pacific countries
- Over the last 16 years, India's forest cover has increased by just 1.1%.
- In 2021, only 3.04% of India's total landmass was covered with very dense forests, in comparison to 2.54% in 2011.
- In 2021, only 9.33% of India's total landmass was covered with moderately dense forests, in comparison to 9.76% in 2011.
- Amongst all states in India, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Arunachal Pradesh, Lakshadweep, Mizoram, and Meghalaya held the top 5 positions for having the most forest cover.
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