Employment Rate

Female Employment
Rural Employment

Employment rate is the extent to which available labour resources (people available to work) are being used. They are calculated as the ratio of the employed to the working age population. Employment rates are sensitive to the economic cycle, but in the longer term they are significantly affected by governments' higher education and income support policies and by policies that facilitate employment of women and disadvantaged groups.

An employed person is anyone aged 15-64 years who reports that they have worked in gainful employment for at least one hour in the previous week or who had a job but were absent from work during the reference week.

Employment rate is the extent to which available labour resources (people available to work) are being used. They are calculated as the ratio of the employed to the working age population. Employment rates are sensitive to the economic cycle, but in the longer term they are significantly affected by governments' higher education and income support policies and by policies that facilitate employment of women and disadvantaged groups.

An employed person is anyone aged 15-64 years who reports that they have worked in gainful employment for at least one hour in the previous week or who had a job but were absent from work during the reference week.

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SUBJECT Variables
This page contains data on Employment Rate in India - values from PLFS and UNDP for male, female, rural, urban, including expert analysis and comparison with global peers.
Employment Rate | India | 2017 - 2018 | Data, Charts and Analysis
Employment Rate in India - values from PLFS and UNDP for male, female, rural, urban, and comparison with global peers.
01/04/2017 To 31/03/2019
Female Employment
Rural Employment
Characters : 171/225
Characters : 65/120
Characters : 118/160
Characters : 342/3500
Female Employment
Rural Employment
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PLFS is India’s first computer-based survey which gives estimates of key employment and unemployment indicators like the labour force participation rate, worker population ratio, proportion unemployed and unemployment rate in rural households annually and on a quarterly basis for the urban households.

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Total Employment Rate
Source: MoSPI | Age: 15+ years
  • As per PLFS, the all-India employment level in 2019-20 was 50.9%, a 3.6% increase over 2018-19.
  • Employment amongst males was higher than that of females. Rural employment amongst males was the highest in 2019-20 at 74.4%, in comparison to 69.9% amongst females.
  • Rural employment was much higher in 2019-20 at 53.3% compared to urban employment at 45.8%
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Source: MoSPI | Age: 15+ years
  • In 2019-20, Himachal Pradesh had the highest level of employment at 70.5% across all states in India, followed by Sikkim at 68.8%.
  • Bihar had the lowest level of employment across all states in India in 2019-20 at 39.7%, followed by Assam at 43.2%.
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