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What is the crime rate in India?
- 210.3
- 356.9
- 487.7
- 532.1
As per the latest available figures, the crime rate rose to 487.7 crimes per lakh population in 2020.
Which state in India has the highest crime rate?
- Tamil Nadu
- Delhi
- Gujarat
- Maharashtra
Tamil Nadu recorded the highest crime rate in 2020 at 1,809 crimes per lakh population, followed by Kerala at 1568.
Which state in India has the lowest crime rate?
- Nagaland
- Sikkim
- Puducherry
- Goa
Nagaland is currently considered as the safest state based on its lowest crime rate.
Which state has the highest rate of crimes against women?
- Odisha
- West Bengal
- Assam
- Madhya Pradesh
For the fourth consecutive year in a row, Assam reported the highest rate of crimes against women in 2020, recording 154.3 crimes per lakh women.
How many crimes against children were reported in 2020?
- 2.8 lakh
- 0.6 lakh
- 4.0 lakh
- 1.3 lakh
In 2020, 128,531 incidences of crimes against children were reported. The rate of crimes against children was 28.9 per lakh children.
The rate of crimes against Scheduled Castes (SC) is rising year on year?
- True
- False
The rate of crime against SCs in 2020 was 25 per lakh SC - the highest level since 2013.
What is the ratio of crimes that get chargesheeted?
- 84.8
- 86.9
- 101.3
- 72.4
After 5 consecutive years of decline, the chargesheeting rate increased to 84.8 in 2020.
What is the conviction rate for Rape?
- 23.1%
- 39.3%
- 44.8%
- 12.0%
The conviction rate for all cases related to rape rose to 39.3% in 2020. This effectively means that 60% of rape convicts are never sentenced in India.
What is the conviction rate for crimes reported under the Dowry Prohibition Act?
- 12.8%
- 38.9%
- 47.7%
- 64.3%
61% of convicts guilty of accepting and encouraging dowry are never sentenced in India.
What is the conviction rate for crimes reported under the Child Sex Offences Act?
- 18.0%
- 28.5%
- 39.6%
- 44.3%
60% of convicts guilty of child sex offences are never sentenced in India.
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