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The number of schools in India currently are much lesser than in 2013
- True
- False
The total number of schools have decreased by 1% in 7 years between 2013 and 2020

What is the percentage of government schools in India?
- 75.4%
- 39.3%
- 57.8%
- 68.5%
The ratio of govt schools have been steadily reducing year on year - from 74% in 2013 to 68.5% in 2020.

How many Madarsas operate in the country?
- 11,590
- 23,677
- 34,788
- 89,235
63% of the total Madarsas in the country are in Uttar Pradesh

What percentage of schools in India cater to secondary students (grade 9-10)?
- 10%
- 26%
- 34%
- 63%

What percentage of schools in India have less than 100 students enrolled in it?
- 51%
- 57%
- 64%
- 69%

What percentage of schools in India are for Children with Special Needs (CWSN)?
- 0%
- 0.7%
- 1.4%
- 3.8%
More than half of these schools are concentrated only in the 4 states of Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra.

Which state has the highest density of schools in the country?
- Maharashtra
- Delhi
- Meghalaya
- West Bengal
Meghalaya has 1,421 schools for every 1 lakh of its student population, compared to the national average of 401.

Which state has the lowest density of schools in the country?
- Uttar Pradesh
- Bihar
- Chandigarh
- Goa
Chandigarh has the lowest density with 67 schools for every 1 lakh of its student population, compared to the national average of 401.

Which state has the highest concentration of private schools?
- Delhi
- Maharashtra
- Mizoram
- Gujarat
47% of total schools in Delhi in 2020 were private schools

What percentage of schools are affiliated to state education boards?
- 43.8%
- 64.2%
- 76.5%
- 86.4%
86.4% of the higher secondary schools in India in 2020 were affiliated to State boards.

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