Agricultural Households

Total Households
Land Holdings
Monthly Income

An agricultural household is defined as an ‘agricultural production unit’ which produced field crops, horticultural crops, livestock and the products of any of the other specified agricultural activities with or without possessing and operating any land. To qualify as an agricultural household, it should also be receiving a value of produce more than ₹4,000 from agricultural activities (e.g., cultivation of field crops, horticultural crops, fodder crops, plantation, animal husbandry, poultry, fishery, piggery, bee-keeping, vermiculture, sericulture, etc.) and have at least one member self- employed in agriculture either in the principal status or in subsidiary status during last 365 days.

An agricultural household is defined as an ‘agricultural production unit’ which produced field crops, horticultural crops, livestock and the products of any of the other specified agricultural activities with or without possessing and operating any land. To qualify as an agricultural household, it should also be receiving a value of produce more than ₹4,000 from agricultural activities (e.g., cultivation of field crops, horticultural crops, fodder crops, plantation, animal husbandry, poultry, fishery, piggery, bee-keeping, vermiculture, sericulture, etc.) and have at least one member self- employed in agriculture either in the principal status or in subsidiary status during last 365 days.

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SUBJECT Variables
Insights on agricultural households in India - pattern of land holdings, education levels, participation in MSP, monthly income and debts.
Agricultural Households | India | 2012 - 2019 | Data, Charts and Analysis
Data and insights on agricultural households in India - the pattern of landholdings, education levels, participation in MSP, monthly income, and debts.
01/01/2012 To 30/06/2019
Total Households
Land Holdings
Monthly Income
Characters : 138/225
Characters : 73/120
Characters : 151/160
Characters : 327/3500
Total Households
Land Holdings
Monthly Income
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Source: National Sample Survey of Agricultural Households | MoSPI
  • India had a total of 93.1 crore agricultural households as of 2018-19, comprising 54% of the total rural households.
  • The total number of agricultural households has increased by 2.9 crore between 2012-13 and 2018-19, while its percentage share of rural households has decreased by 2.8%.
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Source: National Sample Survey of Agricultural Households | MoSPI
  • People from the Other backward Classes (OBCs) comprise the highest percentage of agricultural households in India. During the period of 2018-19, OBCs comprised 45.8%, people of the Scheduled Caste (SCs) comprised 15.9% and people of the Scheduled Tribes (STs) comprised 14.2% of the total agricultural households in India.
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Source: National Sample Survey of Agricultural Households | MoSPI
  • Between 2018-19, 70.4% of all agricultural households held less than 1 hectare of land while 17.8% held between 1-2 hectares.
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Source: National Sample Survey of Agricultural Households | MoSPI
Period: 2018-19
  • Between 2018-19, only 33.8% of people over 15 years of age in agricultural households were educated at higher secondary level or above.
  • Only 0.7% of the people received any formal training in agriculture 
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