Population Demographics

Growth Rate

Population demography is the study of the characteristics of populations. It provides a mathematical description of how those characteristics change over time. Demographics can include any statistical factors that influence population growth or decline, but several parameters are particularly important: population size, density, age structure, mortality (death rates), and sex ratio.

Population demography is the study of the characteristics of populations. It provides a mathematical description of how those characteristics change over time. Demographics can include any statistical factors that influence population growth or decline, but several parameters are particularly important: population size, density, age structure, mortality (death rates), and sex ratio.

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SUBJECT Variables
India's population demographics - total population, growth rate, age-wise and state-wise population, languages spoken and religion, including expert analysis and comparison with global peers.
Population Demographics | India | 2010 - 2020 | Data, Charts and Analysis
India's population demographics - total population, growth rate, age-wise and state-wise population, languages spoken, and religion.
01/01/2010 To 31/12/2020
Growth Rate
Characters : 191/225
Characters : 73/120
Characters : 132/160
Characters : 354/3500
Growth Rate
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Population Size
Source: World Bank
Growth Rate
Source: World Bank
  • India's population in 2020 is estimated to be 1,380 million (138 crores) 
  • India's total population growth rate has been declining over the last decade and was estimated at 0.99% in 2020. The growth rate for females was higher than that of males in 2020.
  • At the current growth rate, India adds 1 person to its population every 2 seconds.
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Global Comparison - Growth Rate
Source: World Bank
  • In comparison to some of its benchmarked peers, India's population growth rate in 2020 was estimated to be higher than that of China, France, Japan, the USA, UK, and Brazil but lower than that of south-Asian neighbors like Bangladesh and Pakistan.
  • India's estimated population growth rate of 0.99% in 2020 was also lower than the world average of 1.02%.
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Period: 2021
Source: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
  • Uttar Pradesh remains the most populous state of India with estimated population of 231 million in 2021. In context, UP’s population is greater than that of Brazil, the fifth most populous country in the world.
  • 5 states comprise 49% of the total population in India (UP, Maharashtra, Bihar, West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh)
  • Sikkim with a population of 671K is the smallest state and Lakshadweep with a population of just 71K is the smallest union territory of India.
  • Bihar had the highest population growth during 2011-2018 followed by Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. Daman & Diu is the only state/UT having negative decadal growth rate of -9.5%.
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