The tourism industry, as part of the service sector, is an important source of income for many countries. It is an activity essential to the life of nations because of its direct effects on the social, cultural, educational, and economic sectors of national societies, and on their international relations.
Tourism brings large amounts of income into a local economy in the form of payment for goods and services needed by tourists and as an invisible export of goods and services. It also generates opportunities for employment in the service sector of the economy associated with tourism. The hospitality industries which benefit from tourism include transportation services (such as airlines, cruise ships, trains and taxicabs); lodging (including hotels, hostels, homestays, resorts and renting out rooms); and entertainment venues (such as amusement parks, restaurants, casinos, shopping malls, music venues, and theatres). This is in addition to goods bought by tourists, including souvenirs.
The tourism industry, as part of the service sector, is an important source of income for many countries. It is an activity essential to the life of nations because of its direct effects on the social, cultural, educational, and economic sectors of national societies, and on their international relations.
Tourism brings large amounts of income into a local economy in the form of payment for goods and services needed by tourists and as an invisible export of goods and services. It also generates opportunities for employment in the service sector of the economy associated with tourism. The hospitality industries which benefit from tourism include transportation services (such as airlines, cruise ships, trains and taxicabs); lodging (including hotels, hostels, homestays, resorts and renting out rooms); and entertainment venues (such as amusement parks, restaurants, casinos, shopping malls, music venues, and theatres). This is in addition to goods bought by tourists, including souvenirs.
SUBJECT Variables
- India attracted 10.93 million foreign tourists in 2019, in comparison to 10.56 tourists in 2018. The growth rate of foreign tourist arrivals (FTAs) in India fell for the second consecutive year - from 14% in 2017 to 3.5% in 2019.
- 6.98 million non-resident Indians (NRIs) visited India in 2019, in comparison to 6.87 million in 2018. The growth rate of NRI visitors to India moved up marginally - from 1.4% in 2018 to 1.7% in 2019.
- Foreign tourists between 35-44 years comprised the largest age-group visiting India in 2019 - 21.3% of the total FTAs.
- Only 8.3% of FTAs in 2019 comprised of people between 15-24 years.
- The percentage of female in the total FTAs has remained between 41-42% since 2014
Comprising 80% of all Tourist Arrivals
- Almost 1 out of every 4 tourist arriving into India was from Bangladesh. The share of Bangladeshis in the total FTAs in India has increased from 15.7% in 2016 to 23.6% in 2019.
- American and British nationals made up 22% of the tourists while all other nationalities constituted the remaining 53% tourists in 2019.
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