Personnel Count

The Indian Armed Forces are the military forces of the Republic of India. It consists of three professional uniformed services: the Indian Army, Indian Navy, and Indian Air Force. Additionally, the Indian Armed Forces are supported by the Indian Coast Guard and paramilitary organisations (Assam Rifles, and Special Frontier Force) and various inter-service commands and institutions such as the Strategic Forces Command, the Andaman and Nicobar Command and the Integrated Defence Staff. The President of India is the Supreme Commander of the Indian Armed Forces. The Indian Armed Forces are under the management of the Ministry of Defence (MoD) of the Government of India. With strength of over 1.4 million active personnel, it is the world's second-largest military force and has the world's largest volunteer army.

The Indian Armed Forces are the military forces of the Republic of India. It consists of three professional uniformed services: the Indian Army, Indian Navy, and Indian Air Force. Additionally, the Indian Armed Forces are supported by the Indian Coast Guard and paramilitary organisations (Assam Rifles, and Special Frontier Force) and various inter-service commands and institutions such as the Strategic Forces Command, the Andaman and Nicobar Command and the Integrated Defence Staff. The President of India is the Supreme Commander of the Indian Armed Forces. The Indian Armed Forces are under the management of the Ministry of Defence (MoD) of the Government of India. With strength of over 1.4 million active personnel, it is the world's second-largest military force and has the world's largest volunteer army.

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SUBJECT Variables
This page contains data on Indian Armed Forces (army, navy, air force and coast guard)- total personnel, military and defence budget, arms imports, in addition to expert analysis and global comparison.
Armed Forces | India | 2010 - 2021 | Data, Charts and Analysis
Data on Indian Armed Forces (army, navy, air force, and coast guard) - personnel, military and defence budget, arms imports, and comparison with global peers.
01/01/2010 To 31/12/2021
Personnel Count
Characters : 201/225
Characters : 62/120
Characters : 158/160
Characters : 358/3500
Personnel Count
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Total Personnel
Total Military Personnel
Source: International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance
Active Military Personnel
  • India had an estimated 3.04 million military personnel in 2019.
  • As per 2021 figures, 1.6 million (52%) of military personnel were inactive and only 48% were on active duty.
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Global Comparison - Total Military Personnel
Source: International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance
  • India's military force increased from 2.62m in 2010 to 3.04 million in 2019, a 16% increase over 19 years. China's military force decreased by 14% during the same period.
  • In comparison with 11 of its benchmarked G20 peers, India's military force is the highest.
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