Business Bribery Risk

Overall Score
World Ranking

The Bribery Risk Matrix (TRACE Matrix) measures business bribery risk in 194 countries. The overall country risk score is a combined and weighted score of four domains - Opportunity, Deterrence, Transparency and Oversight - as well as nine subdomains.

The TRACE Matrix was originally developed in 2014 in collaboration with RAND Corporation. It is updated annually by TRACE.

The Bribery Risk Matrix (TRACE Matrix) measures business bribery risk in 194 countries. The overall country risk score is a combined and weighted score of four domains - Opportunity, Deterrence, Transparency and Oversight - as well as nine subdomains.

The TRACE Matrix was originally developed in 2014 in collaboration with RAND Corporation. It is updated annually by TRACE.

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SUBJECT Variables
An index published annually by TRACE which measures business bribery risk in 194 countries.
Business Bribery Risk | India | 2014 - 2021 | Data, Charts and Analysis
Business Bribery Risk for India - overall score, world ranking, in addition to expert analysis and comparison with global peers.
2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2021,TRACE,actual,amount,amounts,analysis,annual,bribe,bribery,business,chart,charts,compared,corporate,corruption,current,data,figure,figures,global comparison,graph,graphs,historical,india,indian,indicator,indicators,info,information,level,levels,rank,ranking,score,statistics,stats,value,values,world,year,yearly
01/01/2014 To 31/12/2021
Overall Score
World Ranking
Characters : 91/225
Characters : 71/120
Characters : 128/160
Characters : 350/3500
Overall Score
World Ranking
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Overall Score
100 (highest risk) -----------> 0 (lowest risk)
Source: TRACE Bribery Risk Matrix
World Ranking
Ranking amongst 200 countries
Source: TRACE Bribery Risk Matrix
  • India's overall score on the TRACE Bribery Risk Matrix 2021 improved marginally by 1 percentage point - from 45 in 2020 to 44 in 2021.
  • India dropped 5 spots on the overall ranking and was placed 82nd amongst 194 countries in 2021 in comparison to 77th amongst 200 countries in 2020.
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The overall score is the product of a weighted average of the four domains.

  1. The Opportunity domain measures interactions between businesses and government. It is the domain most immediately associated with bribery risk and carries a 40% weightage in the overall score.
  2. The Deterrence domain describes the informal and formal mechanisms that deter businesses or government officials from engaging in bribery. It makes up 15% of the overall score.
  3. Transparency is divided into two subdomains: how transparent the government is in its regulatory functions (Processes), and financial transparency within the government and government-adjacent institutions (Interests). This domain contributes 22.5% of the overall Matrix score.
  4. The capacity for Civil Society Oversight domain examines the freedom and strength of the press and civil society in acting as a check on corruption in the public sector. This domain comprises 22.5% of the overall Matrix score.
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100 (highest risk) -----------> 0 (lowest risk)
Source: TRACE Bribery Risk Matrix
  • India's score in Capacity for Civil Society Oversight in 2021 increased to 43 out of 100 compared to 40 a year ago.
  • Govt. and Civil Service Transparency continues to be a weak corner weighing heavily on the overall score. India scored only 36 out of 100 in the Transparency domain in 2021, consistent with its score in 2020.
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100 (highest risk) -----------> 0 (lowest risk)
Source: TRACE Bribery Risk Matrix
  • In comparison to its benchmarked G20 peers, the business bribery risk in India in 2021 was much lesser than in China, Russia, Turkey.
  • Denmark maintained its pole position on the 2021 list for the second year in a row with an overall score of 2.
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