Prisoner Profile
A prisoner is a person who is confined in prison or kept in custody, especially as the result of legal process.
A prisoner is a person who is confined in prison or kept in custody, especially as the result of legal process.
SUBJECT Variables
- As of 30th December 2020, Indian prisons held 488,511 prisoners, an increase of 2.1% over the previous year.
- 76% of the prisoners were Undertrials (held in custody awaiting trial). Convicts (prisoners serving their sentences) formed 23% and the remaining 1% comprised of Detenues (held in custody) and other inmates.
- 59,846 (53%) of the convicts in Indian prisons in 2020 were serving sentences for Murder. In addition, 5,096 (4.5%) convicts were serving sentences for the charge of Attempt to Murder.
- 11.2% of the convicts in Indian prisons in 2020 were serving sentences for Rape, in comparison to 9.3% in 2019.
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