Education Infrastructure
Detailed statistical insights on the count, coverage and specialisations offered by schools, colleges, universities and standalone institutions across India.
Detailed statistical insights on the count, coverage and specialisations offered by schools, colleges, universities and standalone institutions across India.
SUBJECT Variables
- India had 1.51 million schools as of Mar'20, a 2.8% decrease over the previous year.
- The total number of schools has decreased by 1% in 7 years between 2012-13 and 2019-20
- 68.5% of all schools in India in 2019-20 were owned and run by the government, while only 22.4% schools were privately owned and run. The ratio of govt schools have been steadily reducing year on year - from 74% in 2012-13 to 68.5% in 2019-20.
- 84.4K schools were government aided (i.e. owned by private management, but following the rules and regulations as that of the public schools).
- Madarsas (schools for study of Islamic theology and Islamic law amongst other subjects) comprised 1.6% of all schools in the country in 2019-20, with their count increasing by 115% over the preceding 7 years.
- 81% of all schools in India in 2019-20 were catering to primary students (grade 1-8), while 10% schools were catering to secondary students (grades 9-10).
- Higher secondary schools (grade 11-12) comprised just 8.9% of all schools in India in 2019-20.
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