Expenditure on Education

Total Budget
% of GDP
Share of Expenditure

Education expenditure consists of all expenditures or outlays for school education and higher education incurred by the Centre and respective states. The bulk of funds for government schools come from the state government. The central government contributes partially to the overall education expenditure through programmes such as Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA), Teacher Education (TE) and mid-day meals.

Education expenditure consists of all expenditures or outlays for school education and higher education incurred by the Centre and respective states. The bulk of funds for government schools come from the state government. The central government contributes partially to the overall education expenditure through programmes such as Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA), Teacher Education (TE) and mid-day meals.

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SUBJECT Variables
This page contains data on education expenditure in India - current and historical values, and expert analysis.
Expenditure on Education | India | 2013 - 2020 | Data, Charts and Analysis
State-wise expenditure on Education in India - current and historical values, and expert analysis.
01/04/2014 To 31/03/2021
Total Budget
% of GDP
Share of Expenditure
Characters : 111/225
Characters : 74/120
Characters : 98/160
Characters : 303/3500
Total Budget
% of GDP
Share of Expenditure
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Source: Economic Survey
% of GDP
Source: Economic Survey
  • The total public expenditure on school and higher education in India has been rising year-on-year since 2013. In 2020, 675K crore is estimated to have been spent on education (by Centre and States) across all states in India.
  • As per the recommendations of National Education Policy in 1968 and re-iterated subsequently over the years, India needs to spend atleast 6% of its GDP on education. India's total public expenditure on education has remained between 2.8% to 3.1% of its GDP since atleast 2013. In 2019-20, India's total public expenditure on education is estimated at 3% of its GDP.
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Source: Economic Survey
  • Over 85% of the total public expenditure on education in India is borne by the states. In 2020-21, 88.4% of the total public expenditure on education is estimated to be borne by the states and only 11.6% by the Centre through programmes such as Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA), Teacher Education (TE) and mid-day meals.
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State Expenditure (% of GSDP)
Source: State Budget Documents | RBI
  • In 2020-21, public expenditure on education borne by the states is estimated at 3.3% of the states' combined GSDP (Gross States Domestic Product).
  • In 2019-20, Arunachal Pradesh's spend on education at 7% of its GSDP was the highest amongst all states, followed by Mizoram at 6.5%. Telangana's spend on education at 1% of its GSDP was the lowest amongst all states, followed by Delhi at 1.4%.
  • State's public expenditure on education has remained between 2.5%-3.3% of the state's combined GSDP since 2013-14.
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