Learning & Development Facilities
Detailed statistical insights on the facilities available for students in schools, colleges, universities and standalone institutions across India.
Detailed statistical insights on the facilities available for students in schools, colleges, universities and standalone institutions across India.

SUBJECT Variables
- 20% of all schools in India did not have functional electricity in 2019-20, compared to 41% in 2015-16.
- 312K government and govt. aided schools in India did not have functional electricity in 2019-20, compared to 560K schools in 2015-16.
- 25% of Madarsas (schools for study of Islamic theology and Islamic law amongst other subjects) did not have functional electricity in 2019-20.
- Private schools had the maximum availability of functional electricity in their premises in 2019-20 at 89%.

- Students in 136K Indian government and govt. aided schools in 2019-20 did not have access to a library, in comparison to 176K schools in 2015-16. Students in 317K students in government and govt. aided schools did not have books in their libraries in 2019-20.
- 69% of Madarsas (schools for study of Islamic theology and Islamic law amongst other subjects) in India did not have any books to read inside or outside a school library in 2019-20.
- Students in private schools had the maximum access to books to read whether inside or outside a library in 2019-20 at 66.7% while 33.3% yet remain wanting for a library/books in their schools.

- In 2019-20, 96% of government run schools and 91% of Madrasas did not have a librarian to introduce children to the right books for their age and aptitude.
- Despite having more libraries than government run or aided schools in 2019-20, 78% of the libraries in private schools in India did not have a librarian to introduce children to the right books for their age and aptitude.


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