Student Engagement

NER (Secondary)
Dropouts (Secondary)
Expected Years of Schooling

Statistical insights on student engagement in schools, colleges and universities in India.

Statistical insights on student engagement in schools, colleges and universities in India.

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SUBJECT Variables
Statistical insights on student engagement in schools, colleges and universities in India
Student Engagement | India | 2015 - 2019 | Data, Charts and Analysis
Statistical insights on student engagement in schools, colleges, and universities in India - gross and net enrolment ratios, dropouts, expected years of schooling.
01/04/2012 To 31/03/2020
NER (Secondary)
Dropouts (Secondary)
Expected Years of Schooling
Characters : 89/225
Characters : 68/120
Characters : 163/160
Characters : 440/3500
NER (Secondary)
Dropouts (Secondary)
Expected Years of Schooling
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GER is the percentage of students enrolled in a grade level within the official school-age population corresponding to the same grade level of education. The GER can be over 100% as it includes students who may be older or younger than the official age group, students who are repeating a grade, those who enrolled late and are older than their classmates, or those who have advanced quickly and are younger than their classmates. This allows the total enrolment to exceed the population that corresponds to that level of education.
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Primary level includes students studying in Grade 1 to 8.
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Primary (All India)
Source: Ministry of Education
Primary (States)
Source: Ministry of Education
  • India's GER in primary was 97.8% in 2019-20, up by 1.7% over the previous year.
  • The GER for boys in primary has remained lesser than that of girls since 2012. In 2019-20, the GER for boys was 97% against 98.7% for girls.
  • Lakshadweep had the lowest overall primary GER at 71.1% in 2019-20 while Meghalaya topped the list at 143.5%.
  • Lakshadweep and Andaman & Nicobar Islands had the lowest female GER in primary at 69.1% and 80.8% respectively in 2019-20. Meghalaya and Mizoram topped the list for female GER in primary at 147.8% and 124% respectively.
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Primary (Global Comparison)
Source: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
  • Based on UNDP estimates, India's GER in primary was 113% in 2017. Compared to its benchmarked G20 peers, India's GER in primary was amongst the highest.
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